“I never really tried hard or cared because I figured I was learning disabled and I would always be disabled. That stuck with me for a long time.”
“I never really tried hard or cared because I figured I was learning disabled and I would always be disabled. That stuck with me for a long time.”
“I wish I would’ve known how much I was going to grow and learn.”
“I said for my birthday I’m going to make sure I get my GED and then I’m going to go across the hall and enroll in college. I didn’t understand that college accepted people unless they were super smart and didn’t just drop out of school.”
“Factors that have benefited my sobriety and my recovery—school and education. There are a lot of ideals that I believe—like, I know for myself—that I was raised with, that I learned. Coming to college has led me to realize what is actually relevant, and I can drop those old ideals and gain new ones.”